@Emma what you don't get is if I have anything like that he will get mad and accuse me of cheating I just don't think it's right
Porn and sexual images are something I said was a deal breaker in our relationship. To me that is micro cheating (look up what it means before getting offended, y'all). If you put that boundary down even if it's "acceptable" to others or "normal" doesn't mean it is acceptable in your relationship. He's disrespecting you, personally. I think we live in a culture that normalized porn through the images they push in adds and video games and created unrealistic body and sex expectations and caused our men to be weak of will towards that matter. I am sorry you're going through this but you need to come up with consequences if he continues. Breaking up, taking a break, getting blocks on his phone, I'm not sure but I encourage something. No consequences = no change.
Hi! This is off topic to your situation. While I don’t know your family history. I struggled with pelvic pain and pressure etc. I have Interstitial cystitis. It’s very common in women and is triggered by pregnancy and is often overlooked by doctors. Worth bringing up! I wish you the best of luck
I’m so sorry that you’re going through that❤️ Unfortunately I think wanting sex/sexual stimulation is part of human behaviour, regardless of our personal situations. I agree there’s a lack of respect there but I wouldn’t hold it against him; it’s fruitless and will only add to your stress.