@Natalie i just feel like i was treated like i was crazy, its appalling that they think you dont know your body x
Oh yeh I rang once and must of spoken to the most dismissive midwife ever, I was really taken back by it … I never went again and it really put me off ringing again x
@Natalie whaaaat. What can your community midwife do? She doesn't have access to the monitors. Some midwives need to change careers, because they're obviously in the wrong one
Girls, please don't be fobbed off by midwives with attitude. At the end of the day, the consequences of making the wrong call are just too grave to not go in and get checked over. Midwives don't know everything and they can't feel what you feel and they don't know *your* baby. You're your baby's best advocate x
Due to this I stopped calling them. I go in directly. Hehe.
I was told to phone triage yesterday by my community midwife for reduced movements. The woman I spoke to on the phone said I shouldn't be calling triage and can be monitored with the community midwife... I had to explain that it was the community midwife who told me to phone and go in and traige midwife asked me why... by the end of the conversation, I didn't want to go in at all after the way she spoke to me