They only test women who are on the at list risk, which includes those who have a close relative with diabetes; women with PCOS, high bmi, certain ethnicities etc. This is done around 24-28 weeks. However they also test anyone who is showing signs at any point such as if your baby is measuring big
It’s dependant on weight / bmi or medical issues, I have polycystic ovarian syndrome so higher risk of diabetes as PCOS can be insulin resistant, it wasn’t to do with my weight. You’ll be asked a series of questions in your booking appointment that will determine any tests you may need during pregnancy.
But they will check your urine for glucose during each appointment
I got tested on both of pregnancys
I had to be tested for diabetes because one of my immediate family members have diabetes, they said to me if your immediate family have diabetes then I will have to be tested for it
I had to do a glucose tolerance test at 28 weeks which I thought was standard, but night have been because of my age (40)- result was fine. I was also having monthly growth scans due to my age and they were concerned baby was big at 36 weeks do I had to do a week of blood sugar tests- finger prick every morning then after every meal. This also showed no problems
As others have said, in most hospitals it’s if you have particular risk factors (either signs like growth that increase risk or personal risk factors around age / weight / ethnicity etc). In some hospitals like mine they do a GTT (it’s a simplified test) for everyone and if that shows the possibility of GD they do the full blown test (GCT) so essentially everyone gets tested.
I have the test because an immediate family member has diabetes. I was told at my booking appointment, i will have the test when I am almost 26 weeks x
They test for every pregnancy if they deem you to be high risk or there's a family history, or BMI is high. It involves fasting a high sugar drink and a blood test. Results are quick. It'll happen around 26w after 20w scan while still in 2nd trimester x
I was tested at 28 weeks because of my BMI
At your booking appointment with the midwife they determine the risk in your pregnancy, 2 or more risk factors is considered high risk, annoyingly one of the risk factors is first pregnancy and the for me the 2nd risk is that my mum had pre e clampsia so they have given me an appointment for the test which I was upset about at first but have had loads of reassurance snd most of my friends had it xx
The assessment of risk is done at your booking appointment. If you’re deemed as higher risk for developing gestational diabetes a referral will be made for testing around 28 weeks. Things can change in pregnancy and there may be other things that flag up further down the line that may need testing such as extra waters, baby measuring large or glucose in your urine samples
I was told at my booking appointment that I would need one, then my consultant confirmed it and booked in the test at 13 weeks. I had the test done at 27+5 weeks. I needed the test because both my parents are type 2 diabetic and I have pcos.
So I think it’s either if you are over a certain weight at the start of your pregnancy, or there are signs on the growth scans. I had the GD test as babies belly was measuring big and that can be a sign. Also think certain ethnicities are at higher risk. Ask your midwife if you’re unsure and I’m sure she’ll guide you. X