
I’ve applied for the 15 hours free from 9 months for my son. I don’t know what I do next. Sounds stupid .. do I look for the nursery first choose it and then request the code. I go back to work FT in January but I do have some KIT days and wanna do extra one or two days doing something different to make ends meet. I just don’t know where to start with it all. I have to say I’m going back to work in the next 30 days but I’ll be doing like admin/ cash in hand work that I need time to do. I’m a single parent.. do I just say I am so I can get the code? Because I know he will need trial days to settle in as well and get used. I don’t know if I make sense
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Firstly, you need to get them into a nursery. I'm not sure what area you are in but there are some very long waiting lists for places, it's 1+ years wait around my area!

Following as I’m as lost😫😅

I was told at the job centre that you need to be working to apply for the code for the free hours. But if you need a boost to pay for nursery while out of work you can claim a certain amount of it back through universal credit. Or if you can’t afford if you can apply for a loan sort of thing which they pay for nursery and you pay them it back / take it off of your universal credit that you get. If you have any questions about it you can always set an appointment up with them. But your child needs a place in a nursery and you to have a job to be able to get the free hours.

You can’t use the 15 hours free until you are officially back in work. You’ll have to pay the full amount for any childcare you need before that. Definitely have a look around for a nursery ASAP 😊 Then let them know your code once you’ve signed up.

They're separate things, really. You need a nursery place first otherwise it doesn't matter whether you get the funding or not if there's no spot for your child. Depending on where you are and how many days you need waiting lists can be months to over a year long. So definitely apply to the nursery asap! The funding is just how you pay the bill. If you don't have a spot then you don't have a bill to pay.

You won’t be able to use the code until the January term now anyway 😊 the deadline for this term has already passed x

Is this for England only, I live in Wales :(

This terms funding is already underway so you'll be eligible from January providing you've returned to work properly (not cash in hand). Find a nursery place first as the code is useless without one and then apply for the funding within 30 days of your official return to work date. As others have said, some wait lists are super long. Usually settle in sessions are an hour, two hours, etc to build up but never a full day as far as I've known when enquiring.

You can get the code before getting a place with a nursery.

Get a nursery first, you can't get a code unless you are working/have a set date for returning to work anyway. Lots of nurseries do free trial or settling in days. Also, be aware that the 15 hours may not be "free". Lots of nurseries will charge for consumables etc. so you may end up paying something anyway.

I don’t know where you live but we had to put our names down for a nursery place before either babies were born! If you want them to start in January I’d get looking ASAP. Maternity leave counts btw, you’re employed so you qualify for the hours but you qualify for the term after they’ve turned 9 months.

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