@Katie nope, it's not diagnosis by state, those are the signs of pre-eclampsia across the board. The biggest concern about pre-eclampsia is it turning into eclampsia... which is when seizures are involved. Your ob will decide whether you will need to be induced or not for the safety of you and the baby. Did you have high blood pressure pre pregnancy or do you know?
@Sierra yes I did based on old test results but was never managed because no doctors ever mentioned it
@Katie thank you
I had an appt today and my blood pressure medicine was upped again to 200mgs 3 times a day it’s so scary
@Sierra thank you I had no idea
If you had high blood pressure pre pregnancy, this is less serious for the outcome of your pregnancy... still not a great thing and should be managed, but pre-eclampsia has more serious risks. Try to practice some relaxation exercises- yoga, meditation and deep breathing. Eat plenty of fruits, veggies and whole grains... avoid caffeine if possible. Make sure you're taking your multivitamins, and see if they checked your potassium.
Have u asked about baby aspiring I believe an only reason y I'm scared of having #2 we decided not to! But they will only diagnose u with Preeclampsia may be different depending on state if u have all 3 high Bp protein in urine an swollen badly R u working or not working if working maybe cut back on working if able to and hope u make it long