FR! Im ready to go shopping for my little princess ❤️
Plan some trips and it will go faster! Also enjoy your last weeks alone with your husband! Just a reminder: the due date is not definitely the due date so I would have in mind that the due date can be after that. Otherwise those last weeks will feel forever
I'm so ready to hold my babies. I've been waiting a long time to hold a child of my own and to have successfully gotten pregnant then carried this far has shocked many doctors so I feel so ready to hold them now
I’m so ready too!!!!
@Sabrina for sure! We have baby moon planned in December and also a trip planned in January to visit friends. The more we stay busy the faster time goes haha
@Apryl totally get this… I feel like the reason my brain thinks it’s been so long is the “trying” stage feels like part of the waiting too. Then you are all excited with that positive test and have 9 more months to go 🥲 lol
You are not alone 😂