Does anyone else just feel overweight and heavy?

I'm heavier now than when I was pregnant. I'm up at least 2 to 3 stone heavier than pre pregnancy. I just feel so fat and can't seem to make the right food choices. I knooooow what to eat but have zero discipline with food. I'm so tired and just going for easy quick snacks rather than nutrition. I am tracking my cals I'm way over what I should be. Have a PT twice a week but it's not making a difference as my eating is so horrendous. Just needed a rant. How do you dress a PP body with csection overhang? I look crap in eveeeerything!
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I'd love to say well at least I'm happy and healthy but I'm the most unhealthy I've ever been and it's making me unhappy!

I have been an utter disgrace with my diet. Appalled by what I’ve shovelled in today.

@Hayley I genuinely don't even recognise myself anymore.

Totally understand where you’re both coming from and hard relate. Sometimes it’s not the best food but maybe its the food your body and mind need right now and when the time is right it’ll need different/ healthier. Lean into it and embrace the season, where loose cosy jumpers and snuggle up with a mountain of chocolate. This will only be short lived and you have forever to feel like your old self if you want too. xxx

I found the best way to stop myself snacking is to not include the crisps/choc/biscuits in the weekly shop. Then when I’m peckish and fancying a bad snack I can’t have it because it’s not even there. Occasionally I will buy penguins or Freddos so I’ve got “small” chocs otherwise I try my best to have yoghurts or strawberries/grapes for sweet cravings (boring I know 😩🙄)

Yes not only am I the fattest I have ever been I just can’t find the will or motivation to start a diet I don’t know what to do I hate myself right now and I am 7 months postpartum 😥

@Lucy I did this in Melbourne - but I lived above the IGA so would end up going down and buying it and spending a lot more 🤦🏼‍♀️ no discipline and terrible eating behaviours. I spoke to one of the Drs in work about it. Awful.

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