This is why you have been referred to a genetic councillor as there are always acceptions to the rule/norm. It's terms of sex chromosomes, this can happen aswell. Or it could have been an issue with the clarity of the test, ie. Couldn't find an y chromosome but may still be there ect.
You're probably just having 2 girls but they want to do amnio just to make doubly sure there are no problems
For the people saying it’s just as simple as she’s having girls I would disagree. Of course you could be having two girls but if it was just that they would have just said that. Something either went wrong with the test or the there’s a few different factor. They’re saying they can’t rule out that the Y chromosome isn’t damaged in some way. Honestly, I personally would not run the amniocentesis test. It comes with its own risks and it scares me to death. You can find out the genders in like a month. And even if they find out that there is something coming up on the amniocentesis test what are they going to do anyways? If they give you an ultrasound and say they see some kind of deformity then maybe revisit the option for the test then. I’m sure you’ll be fine. The babies will be perfect.,an%20assessment%20of%20other%20chromosomes.
FYI amniocentesis tests carry a <1% chance of miscarriage (believe closer to 1:1000 now). Well worth it even just to reduce anxiety later in pregnancy if you get weird things pop up and you're panicking. I personally would do this test, BUT I also think you're probably just having girls and they're being cautious. Amniocentesis is offered to ALL Israeli mothers. When I found this out, I was mad I hadn't done this pre-20 weeks, but that is because I would have chosen to abort a fetus with genetic abnormalities leading to severe learning disabilities.
Likely means girls as y is for boy.. xx is girl XY is boy