I had 2 losses previous to my successful fet. I'm 30 weeks and I didn't feel like I really calmed down until 20 weeks. Once you feel consistent movement, it gets better too. All babies deserve to be celebrated but I know it took me awhile to truly feel like he was going to stick. We've had his name picked out early on and I finally just started calling him by it.
I bled until week 13 so we didn’t really relax into until that stopped and to be honest I feel like I kind of robbed myself of a lot of my pregnancy! It ended up feeling super short, so this time round I’ve vowed to get excited from the beginning because like someone said above every pregnancy deserves to be celebrated regardless of the outcome!
I’m 38 weeks and still don’t feel completely relaxed. When you want the baby so much it really is difficult to believe you have everything you want. I will feel calm once he has arrived safely.
I can relate so much to this, I had major imposter syndrome about being pregnant when my transfer worked. I told my closest people about the pregnancy as soon as I found out, because I knew I would need support no matter what happened. The ultrasounds helped ease my anxiety when we saw things were developing well, but Ngl it was still not easy and I was also nervous a lot. I also reminded myself that “today I’m pregnant and I’m allowed to be happy about that”. I know it can be hard to let yourself be excited, but congrats on the success!! If you want to chat/vent feel free to reach out!