@Charlotte omg I’ve been feeling guilty about my two toddlers too because the baby needs me and I can’t move around like that because the induction so I totally understand. Im grateful for my husband too he’s been so supportive 🥹❤️ that stinks about the throwing up! What did her pediatrician say about it
I had my boy on the 17th, he's a week old today and honestly I've taken the sudden change quite heavily. I absolutely love my baby boy but my emotions have been absolutely all over the place as expected. I was induced on the 15th due to pre-eclampsia, so the midwives have been on my tits about my blood pressure. Its made this first week hellish because not one midwife has listened to me when I tell them my blood pressure is only high because I'd not eaten and was stressed, only to go to the hospital and be sent home completely fine each time😴. All things considered, I'm slowly starting to settle I think, it's still rough but my partner is amazing at supporting me
@Minnie nothing just yet as we've not been able to take her with it being the weekend, but we have her health visitor coming this week so I will ask her!
@Christina honestly, mine have been all over the place too. From happy, to angry quite quickly, I feel terrible in myself emotionally as it's not helpful for myself or my baby girl! You're not alone, and you will get through it! It's great to know you have a supporting partner 💖 My blood pressure is quite the opposite, very low! I lost almost 2L of blood during surgery so I've been feeling very dizzy and pretty helpless! I hope you're okay soon and recover quickly ❤️🩹
I had my baby on 13th and he wasn’t due until 28th. I had an emergency c section after failed induction and I’m actually feeling amazing. I seem to have taken to motherhood really well
Was due on 23rd, waiting...
@Kirsty ohh I’m so glad to hear it! 🥹❤️❤️
@Charlotte thank you! That’s funny I lost close to 2L after my induction. We got to take it one day at a time and get it rest!
@Christina I’m glad you’ve got a supportive partner ❤️ it drives me crazy when the providers don’t listen to us! Keep advocating for yourself 💯
Hey! My girl arrived on 8th November! I also had an induction which resulted in an emergency c section so recovering had been tough with a new born. You're not alone, I'm finding it difficult make time for my daughter when I'm in so much pain myself. My husband is helping a lot but still doesn't make it easier in terms of me being able to bond with her! I'm finding feeding difficult, only because she's throwing up a lot after every feed! Everything is just new! Hope you're well! ""