oh i’m exactly the same! i think the best thing you can do is talk to him, i see my bf liking pics but idk from my perspective if phones weren’t around, it wouldn’t be an issue as im the one he comes home to and im having his baby, i can see why it’s upsetting though i talk to my boyfriend about it any time it bothers me and he reassures me, it helps for a few days and then i need reassurance again if you can’t get reassurance off him then bad egg, that’s the least he can do! unfortunately i can’t say it goes away im 26 weeks now and from 13 weeks when i found out i felt like you, i think maybe avoiding socials where you see what he’s liking on there and comparing yourself would be good, social media is a cause of a lot of the issue 🤍 hope you feel better soon 🤍🤍🤍
Hey lovely, I felt super insecure for the first few weeks so much so that I didn't really want to leave his side 😅 I would say have a chat with him that you are feeling this way, it's just one of the ways hormones play with your mind and you need to feel reassured xxx
Definitely have a chat with him! There's a clear reason why you're feeling the way you are - personally I wouldn't like it either if my partner was liking half naked girls, id find that disrespectful. It just depends if you think that's okay or not but either way during this tough time he should reassure you x
I think being up front and just asking him about it is probably the best thing, because otherwise you're just going to sit and stew on it and those feelings will never go away unless you chat about it x