Slow weaning progress?

Has anyone else been weaning for nearly a month and not really had any progress? My little boy is 7 months on Tuesday and he loved sitting down and having food with us but he doesn't really actually eat anything! He hates purees, won't entertain them at all so we're baby led weaning and he's super interested and will chomp and suck at whatever we give him but the second there's some in his mouth he stops and spits it out! Not the tongue thrust reflex either because he will keep it in his mouth for a bit then do it. Occasionally he's had a little bit of what he's been "eating" but it's very few and far between. Is this completely normal or should I be keeping an eye on it or doing something different?
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I think it’s normal I’m doing a mixture of BLW and purees with BLW my LO often just sucks on whatever she’s having or plays around with it and mashes it up in her hand she rarely actually eats much of it and like you said spits it out after a while. I think it’s all just a learning curve for them x

Mines the same! It's been 3 weeks. I'm wondering how long it'll take before she actually eats 🙃 she had aubergine in spears and she was really sucking them! That's the first thing she's taken much of an interest in putting in her mouth. I think it's probably normal...

@Joanna McKee thank you that's reassuring!

@Jas yes my boy loves peppers! (And steak actually but that's an expensive habit for him 🤣)

My boy hates anything puréed so we are blw. At this point it’s all exploring so doesn’t matter if they swallow just yet, just takes time. He’s definitely teething so loves a bit of cold cucumber and actually swallows what he chews off so I finish his meal with that normally 🙂

You’re doing good, your baby is leading you well. Solid start app is great place for BLW guidance.

@Raccoon that's what I use when we're giving him a new food! It's a brilliant resource

@Hannah depending on babies to babies, ideally 8-9 months later they starts to eat more. Everythg is brand new for them. Keep up with your introduction to various appropriate foods. It will pay off. Gdluck 😃

My daughter is the same! She seems to only care if it's a Yog or melty sticks!! So I've avoided giving them as I want her to enjoy exploring and like new foods that are good habbit!! I'm hoping one day she will wake and just eat... I give her breakfast and dinner everyday but does she eat any of it ? Nope! 😂 But I still cook and dish it up everyday hoping one day she will decide not to mash it in her hands and wave her hands for it to go all over the floor 😂 she's 7 months as well

Yeah mine is slow progress. Hates plain puréed veg. Tried a cut up cucumber yesterday to chomp on but not interested. Prefers the pouches as theres obviously more flavour. I did want to do things properly but might be better for him once I can start adding meat and introducing flavour that way. Seems to like fruit and melty puffs (as he is teething badly and it distracts him. I try not to give him too much, just a couple before his last bottle of the day for bedtime).

I started my girl at about 4 months with purées and sucking on cucumber if she wanted, I’m glad I did because she wasn’t interested for a while either ! It was only like a week after 6 months that she actually started opening her mouth for food, really eating it and then eventually sucking foods and eating them more, she’ll be 7 months on Monday x

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