My little one is barely eating anything!

I feel like I'm completely failing with weaning! He's got very little interest in food (just over 7 months). He'll spit most foods out and won't really let me feed him. I'm trying to do BLW but I'm too nervous to really go for it properly. I'm trying to give him some finger foods (which he does seem to take to more) and mash some to give him too. I'm seeing all these comments of what babies are eating and just feel like I'm failing! I'm lucky if he has two spoonfuls of food. Please tell me I'm not the only one?! I've just given him mashed peas, steamed carrots (in battens and mashed) and some natural yoghurt and he's refused all but some yoghurt. P.s he also refuses water 🙃 Overwhelmed. 😭
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Right here with you 🙋🏻‍♀️ we’ve ended up going completely BLW because she’d spit every single purée out and it just felt pointless. Sometimes it feels like she’s actually consuming nothing with BLW but she’s so much happier just exploring and playing. She also loves yoghurt 😂 x

I know it’s really hard not to worry, but please know this is totally normal, all babies take to food in their own time. My first had little interest in food until around 10 months (other than yogurt and pastry pinwheels) and the best thing I did was scale it back and try again later. For example, she would never touch breakfast so I just didn’t give it for a while until she was more interested and it took the stress out of it for both of us. By contrast my second is currently 8 months eating 3 meals a day but now has little interest in milk x

Thanks girls. I think I need to just go for it with BLW! I need to put some time aside to prep some roasted veg sticks and get a full body bib and embrace the mess!

Oh god the mess is bad 🙈 bibado bibs are brilliant. I do a bit of a mix if baby led and spoon feeding, mainly because he’s massively reduced milk so I want to make sure he gets the calories from spoon feeding but he’s also got a bit of control from finger foods x

I'm a mum also in same position and same 7 months boy can I ask what is BLW? Am I silly for not knowing what that means?

My baby is 7.5 months and I’m right there with you! Could have written this post myself! I spoke with the HV and she said to really not worry and just take the pressure off. Everything will click into place one day when they are ready xx

Nearly 8 months and exactly the same here, we’re lucky if we even get breakfast down. My other 2 weren’t like this, it’s a nightmare and so stressful 😵‍💫

Can relate so much to this post! Glad to know we’re not the only ones! So stressful though I feel like it shouldn’t be!

I’d really try and park that thought darl about you being a failure. Feeding is new to them. Tastes are 💥💥💥in their mouths. Some are just a little slower to get in to it. My baby eats a tonne mind and she appears to be drooling if she sees any one else eat In front of her. Someone told me “they either sleep or they eat” ….. seems I got an eater, but who knows where that came from.

@Courtney BLW - baby led weaning ☺️

@Hayley he doesn't eat or sleep! 😂 Maybe when he does eat he'll sleep 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Thanks everyone, I'm glad to see we're not alone. Intellectually I know it's fine but the emotional side of the brain takes over doesn't it!🙈xx

My girl won't have anything on a spoon really. She won't let me feed her, only feeds herself which obvs isn't very productive with a spoon! I've done finger foods and she's smashing them now, I make things like potatoe and broccoli tots, carrot pancake, she has banana or avocado on toast things like that. First couple of days she would gag, but she does at all now!!

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