
How much does your little one eat. Mines 4 months and he eats 8 oz already. I try to get him to eat every 4hours but it's sometime 2 maybe 3 hours after eating. Is that okay. I just don't want an overweight baby
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My daughter was the same. She was eating about that by 4 months and was never overweight. Shes 2 now. Formula fed babies tend to eat more than breastfed babies too. Idk what you’re doing but yeah

@Charlotte he's formula feed

Yup! Makes sense. My daughter was too. Totally normal don’t sweat it.

I think chubby babies are the best. Like a little rolls is good means they are growing and gaining the weight.

I combo feed my baby. We are still learning how many ounces to give my boy for formula feeds. Sometimes he'll drink 3 or 3.5 ounces and then sometimes he'll chug 4 ounces. I know formula is different than breastfeeding. This is the first time I'm combo feeding one of my babies, my oldest two were breastfed exclusively.

@Lounette i combo feed too. My girl drinks 5oz typically and will still nurse throughout the day. She will have about 20 to 25oz of formula a day along with nursing

My baby took down almost 9oz just now. I think little babies can’t be overweight. They know exactly how much they need.

Every baby is different as you know! I nurse on demand but the most my girl will take from a bottle is 5oz of breastmilk at bedtime and that takes her a bit to take down. Otherwise if I give a bottle it is 3 or 4oz every 2-3hrs typically.

@Lounette not sure if this will be helpful.. but we combo feed too.. She'll do about 3.5-4oz of breastmilk but 5.5-6oz of formula

@Moira we haven't been doing breastmilk bottles right now just formula, but he took 3oz in the morning then two 4oz bottles the other parts of the day, then I've nursed him in the middle of the night, and twice this evening already. My husband says he seems content with the amount of ounces of formula he is getting... I do tell my husband if he seems hungrier to give him an extra ounce or two.

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