Suggestions for dairy alternatives please

My LB is 7 months old and has a milk protein allergy. I’m finding it so disheartening not being able to include cheese, yoghurt etc but I’m a little worried that the vegan/dairy free aren’t good for babies. Plus vegan cheese doesn’t seem to melt (?!) Does anybody have an suggestions for good alternatives please so that my little one can have all the yummy recipes
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My partner is lactose intolerant so has lactose free milk (instead of alternative milks). So it’s just normal cows milk with the lactose removed. Same goes for cheese - we use lactofree cheese which is just normal cheese with lactose removed (it tastes the exact same). Not sure if that would work for your LB or not, just a suggestion 🙂

Hey, fortified oat milk (the Jord one has the best ingredient list I’ve seen) alpro plain soya yogurt, avoid the no sugars one though & we’re currently trialling cathedral city vegan grated as its fortified with calcium x

we used oatly milk and tbh i never found A cheese alternative that tastes nice. for cream and yogurt theres alpro dairy free ones

Hey I'm a vegan and raising a vegan baby - there are some rubbish vegan products and some great ones! Sugar free soya milk, oat milk, rice milk (over 12 months), almond milk, hemp milk etc are all fortified. You could try lactose free but I'm not sure if protein allergy sufferers can actually have this as its not lactose intolerance. I would recommend cathedral city plant based products and Aldis knock off version (!!). There are some quality dairy free products, Lidls vegan yoghurts are just beautiful. Message me if you want to chat, no judgement re veganism as we're all doing what we think is right for ourselves and our families at the end of the day x

We use oat milk in things like cereal and mashed potatoes. Vegan cheese is rank in my opinion. I had to go dairy free for a long time as I'm breastfeeding so I tried quite a few. I'd rather just not have it!

@Elizabeth I used to love lactose free milk! However it wouldn't work for this case as it sounds like the baby has CMPA, so the milk protein rather than the lactose sugar :) different components! I use coconut collab coconut yogurt with my CMPA baby as it doesn't have any weird additives, and that's a godsend! Also Plenish milks are just a couple of ingredients, pricey but I think the almond one tastes nice!

My baby is also 7 months months and has CMPA i’m really struggling with his foods 😢 Just a reminder that the protein is different to the lactose . So baby can’t have lactose free things becasue they still have the milk protein in it . We just avoid cheese all together because the vegan one is GROSS . We started using oat milk in recipes for him but we have now switched to almond milk because of how ‘bad’ oat milk is .

Try the little veggie eats cookbook or better yet plant based baby and toddler. These cookbooks are more whole foods based rather than crap fake vegan foods. Plant based baby will take you through the nutrition alot more and has fewer recipes and I think little veggie eats has an Instagram page. Then add your meat as you see fit.

You can get soya, oat and coconut based yoghurts, my little one likes all of them. Cheese does seem to be really hit and miss so we don’t tend to bother to be honest. Milk wise - you can use whatever when using for cooking but if you move from breastmilk/formula onto an alternative milk you need to be careful as they aren’t all fortified with the same vitamins - you need to check it has iodine in it! I have been dairy and egg free now for 9/10 months due to breastfeeding little one with his allergies and there are a lot of alternatives and a lot of stuff that is accidentally vegan which is useful. Just check all the ingredient lists and you will find loads of stuff is okay but always check ingredients because they change them without warning 🙈

@jayden what makes oat milk bad?? I didn't know about this!

@Clare it’s basically just starch (which is mainly glucose) so it spikes blood sugars a lot . It’s not the worse thing but almond milk is a lot easier on the tummy . When i had gestational diabetes i was drinking oat milk and my levels were always to high so when i looked into it more i noticed it was cause i was only drinking oat milk 💔

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