Venting!!! We're behind on introducing new foods because our baby has had allergic reactions.

So far, she has reacted to pears, apples, and prunes, and upon further research, those are all fruits in the rosaceae family. We've been avoiding other fruits in that family, but unfortunately, that includes cherries, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, apricots, olives, and blackberries. It also includes almonds, which is scary because I'm gluten-free for medical reasons, so most of my snacks have almond flour, and I have to be really careful she doesn't grab my food. Anyway, she has a few foods under her belt. She has not reacted to any veggies, so she has had brocoli, sweet potato, carrots, and peas. She also does not react to bananas. She has gotten into wheat once and dairy twice and has been fine, but I'm obviously worried about literally all fruits and nuts because of the reactions she has had so far. She just had her reaction to prunes last week because she was constipated, and we obviously couldn't give her apple juice, so we tried prunes. They worked for the constipation but caused her worst reaction yet, and we had to take her to urgent care and give benadryl for the first time. (Her other reactions were mild enough she did not need it before.) She has an appointment with her doctor next week to discuss her allergies and how to handle introducing more foods going forward, but over Thanksgiving, a few family members made comments about how she should be eating more by now. I made her a full plate of steamed veggies that she had had before. It's not like she's still on purees only. She does get texture and variety. We feed her banana oatmeal in the morning and a veggie for dinner with bottles throughout the day. I'm sure milk will be fine with her, and as she gets more variety under her belt, I'll cook more and more for her. I love cooking, and I love my baby. It just sucks so much because we had to slow our introductions when she reacted to pears and stop them entirely for a while she reacted to apples. We picked back up and successfully introduced so many veggies, and then she reacted to prunes. Right now, we're not giving her ANYTHING new until we see her doctor. I'm sure veggies would be fine, but I'm not sure if there's certain ones we should avoid or certain cooking oils (like olive oil) or other ingredients to avoid as I start to cook for her, etc. It's so scary and sad, and it just really sucked being mom-shamed by family over it. I WISH I could just let her try my food without a second thought. I WISH I didn't have to have benadryl in the diaper bag. They act like I'm overreacting, but they're not the ones staying up all night watching my baby for hives as the benadryl wears off.
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Aw damn I'm sure that is difficult. You should not be shamed one bit. No one understands the gravity of it or the worry of it all and I think it's wonderful and a very intelligent decision to wait for the doctor to chime in before introducing anything new 🙏 you sound like a good caring mom to me

Honestly I can't imagine. I'm sorry. I'm behind on introducing new foods as well and my baby has been mostly okay from foods. I just worry anyways. All acidic fruits makes him spit up or have a bad poo... sorry of tmi. But I don't think it's allergies with my situation possibly just a sensitive stomach /acid issue. All this food stuff is difficult because it's all new. Does your baby do ok with anything like French toast or bread? Sometimes just a dinner roll calms my bbs belly I think. It's great that your baby can handle veggies tho and banana oatmeal and such that is wonderful. Plus the milk is all the nutrients they need so I wouldn't worry and don't let anyone make you feel bad just see what your doctor says

For some reason it deleted my entire comment and all I commented was your name so oops. Not gonna tag you this time. But we are really hoping to be cleared to start introducing eggs, dairy, and wheat at least because it'll open up sooo many foods to her. So no French toast or regular bread yet, but hopefully soon. I eat eggs all the time and love being able to make things we can both eat.

Oh I also said that her reactions aren't usually stomach pains, like she'll get a bad poo or two but she mostly just gets hives on her face which is so super scary. It's definitely an allergy and not a reaction to the acid. Citrus is actually not in the rosaceae family, but I'm avoiding it for now because I know it can sort of fake a reaction like that.

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