@Chloe my line just doesn’t go away…. It just gets lighter and darker it’s so weird
How long have you tested for just the 4 days I would keep testing twice a day xx
@Chloe it’s been like this for quite a few days but these are just the 3 from yesterday and 1 today
I would just baby dance hahah when ever you can now cause it looks like somethings happening xxx
@Chloe I second this tbf 😆 it's high enough to know its your week
@Chloe thank you!! 😂😂 such a weird thing haha! “Baby it’s time” we’ve got an hour
Do you have Pcos? Consistently high lh can sometimes be a sign of Pcos
@Charley not that I know of!
@Chloe sorry my comment was to OP, your lh test is low
@Charley oh hhhaa x
@Charley not as far as I know off. But I’ve never had tests or anything. This is my second time ttc
Have you tested twice a day from the last day of your period until your next period?
@Charley my period ended 3 days ago and I’ve tested a few times a day and hit my peak about half hour ago
So you've had a peak now? Fab so you'll ovulate within the next day or so
This is me right now took a test yesterday had a little line! Then did another one this morning no line at all