
My baby is 8.5 months and has only just become interested in food in the last month which has solely been me feeding her from a spoon. Now I’ve finally got her eating via a spoon from me I want her to start feeding herself with finger food/ attempting to hold a spoon and put it in her mouth. I’ve only been doing this for 2 days but she just won’t put anything in her mouth. (Never taken a teether or dummy either, her hands are absolutely fine she plays with toys just fine, better than fine). How long roughly did it take your LO to start putting food/ spoon in there mouth from when you introduced finger foods/ a spoon. Is anyone’s else’s baby this age still just being mostly fed via a spoon by yourself? I already feel she’s behind because she’s only just become interested in food. She was born early and was very small and it took 3 months for her to put weight on. The first 3 months were completely lost to be honest. That is all fine now though, she’s healthy and a good weight so no questions regarding that please.
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My baby is 8.5 months and has JUST started feeding himself teething crackers. I gave him one a couple times a week for the past 3 weeks and most of the time he would just play with it. But now he actually eats it when he's hungry. He also tried to wrestle the spoon from me when I feed him purees 😂 so I am gonna attempt BLW 😊

@Susie thank you. I’m getting really down about it crying every single meal thinking why won’t she do it but I need to keep reminding myself I’ve only let her hold a spoon herself and pick up finger food for 2 days so what do I expect. I just feel so behind because she’s only just started wanting to eat food.

You're not behind, same happened to my friends baby who is 9 months. Babies don't need much nutrients from anything other than breastmilk or formula before they're 1. It's more for getting them used to it and explore eating. Just keep practicing and she'll eventually get it 😊

@Susie thank you I’m not worried about her not getting food as I know she gets enough from her milk it’s her learning the skills I’m worried about x

It's the same as any other milestone, try not to compare. I know it's hard, my baby doesn't crawl yet and some 6 month olds I know do but everyone has their own timeline ❤️

@Susie I did a starting solids course yesterday and this is wrong. They don’t get enough nutrients from breast milk alone after 6 months, especially iron. Keep trying on solids, you’re doing a good job. Every baby is different. Can you get back in touch with your health visitor for advice?x

My doctor advised me to prioritize breast milk over solids at this age. Idk why medical information has to differ so much 😭 my baby has only gotten 2-4 oz of baby food every day per his recommendations

@Susie it says on your profile you live in the states? That could be why the information is different maybe. But yes you prioritise breastmilk over solids! But they need food too, even if it’s only a little every day x

Ohh yeah. We also have multivitamin and iron drops prescribed because he's on breastmilk only. Maybe that's why he isn't concerned about iron

In regards to the post, as you have only just changed from purées to finger foods it can take up to 2 months or more for them to grasp this concept themselves. Try thicker lumpier purées/mash and introduce cooked meats with some finger foods so they can develop their pincher reflex and hand/eye coordination. Eat with your baby so they can watch what you’re doing and soon she will start mimicking you It can also take 10 days or more for them to like a food or texture so that could be why she is refusing the finger food. It’s new to her It isn’t until around 10-12 months that they can feed themself with a spoon but do keep practicing x

You said she likes to play with toys, babies learn a lot through play so try to treat finger foods as toys and let her explore the food in front of her x

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