Not Taking to Solids

We’ve tried bananas and sweet potatoes and she didn’t like either. We gave her the sweet potatoes about an hours ago and she’s thrown up a bit twice after. The amount is like spit up. Is this normal? Any ideas of how to get her to like food?
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It’s also normal for it to be spit/drooled out. Their tongue is used to pushing things out. It’s take a bit to adjust to the taste. Try to green veggies not just sweet items. Are you doing store bought or mashing it yourself?

You can always wait another month or 2 and try again. My first didn't take to solids until like 6 months

We start with an "ice cube" smoothie of breast milk and the food so like breast milk and strawberries blended and frozen to a little icecube. That gets put in a mesh/silicon feeder so it's very much like sucking on a pacifier.

@Katherine the feeders are great for now but once baby is a bit older you’ll want to add some texture for them to eat. So they don’t have a hard time adjusting to food.

@Emilie we mashed it so I think I’ll try a store bought puree next time

In the same boat here too. Tried silicon feader with pieces of banana, avocado and strawberry, store bought sweet potato and carrot purees with a spoon and baby cereal also with spoon. No success with either. Baby makes disgusted faces even. The only way we got him to eat a very tiny bit was by dunking a teether he likes in the purees, lol. Hoping once he hits 6 months it’ll get better

Were the bananas spotty? Bananas aren’t ripe until spotty so most people are eating them unripe. They’ll taste better and sweeter. (The natural sugar content does not change) Babies should be starting with fruits as their first foods.

@Abby ive always heard veggies first because they may not like them but babies will always like fruit since it’s sweet.

I started my little one on solids about 3 weeks ago nothing crazy made her some broccoli and peas. Tried it one day she didn't really take so we just been doing a feed 1 to 2 times a week. You can also wait till 6 months a little more time till they are interested in food. No rush for it to be in their diet yet.

@Emilie yes, they gravitate to fruit because that’s what they are designed to eat

How much are you giving her? It takes a baby a little bit to “start” up lo taste buds

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