My little boy hates purees, loves trying finger foods but will still spit them out after he's had a good chew on them every after a month and a half of weaning! The only thing he actually eats is yoghurt 😂
I’m only doing 1 meal a day still so he’s still having all his bottles
Gagging and then spitting it out shows he knows what to do and will be a helpful skill :) keep offering, just make sure it’s cooked soft to mash between his teeth / gums. My boy loves cucumber and it’s a great tether too :)
We started on Ella’s Kitchen melty puffs to begin with to get him used to having something other than puree in his mouth that would melt so he didn’t panic x
Gagging is definitely normal! Babies need time to learn how to move everything around in their mouth and how to swallow things that aren't basically liquid!