
Anyone else really struggling with fear of giving their little ones finger foods? We had every intention of doing a mixture of BLW and purées, but I’m absolutely terrified of him choking! 😫 We’ve done a paediatric first aid course in preparation and even went on a BLW course but I am so on edge. We’ve tried cooked carrot, potato and broccoli etc and some of those melty puffs. My little one isn’t really enjoying solids either. He just doesn’t seem interested. He’s 7 months. Tell me it gets easier! 😩
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Aww my boys 7 months old and hes into everything he eats noodles spaghetti sausage toaste nuggest everything trust me it does get easier i started my little on food at 5 months and now hes loving everything i put infront of him trust me hun it will get easier x

Just might not be a fan of the texture, it may take time. Not saying it's the same but I started him on purees with plain veg and he didn't really like it or seem interested. When I've combined the flavours and added a bit of cheese or apple, it went down a hit (for example, broccoli, carrot, sweet potato and small amount of cheese). I also like to give mine a slice of apple as an activity to chew on and he likes sucking on that x

I’m exactly the same as you. My little one is 7 months and I always wanted to do BLW but started on purées and will probably remain on them as solids terrify me. I believe we need to feel confident before introducing proper solids. I am not that yet. It’s scary! 😟 my little one also will take or leave what I’m giving him at the moment. Boob always wins lol 😂

It is nerve wracking, “weaning the BLW way” is a really good informative group on Facebook to join if you’re wanting to BLW but are scared. But babies are at no more of a risk choking on foods than they are on purées, babies gag reflexes are a lot more at the front of their mouths, which is easier for them to control how much they put in their mouths🥰

I’m also terrified, my little man is a little bit behind developmentally as he was 7 weeks early but we have just started purées as he is clearly desperate to try solids. If it helps they guidance is always changing, my mum keeps telling me ‘when you were a baby we were told to start purées at 4 months if baby could sit up or not’ and ‘you were on 3 meals a day from 6 months along with your milk.’ I’m trying to take comfort in the fact my worry will make me more vigilant to if something does go wrong but to not hold my baby back because of my fear and try to let him enjoy exploring food just under my very close supervision.

Guys I am exactly the same - for those who BLW, how do babies respond? I mean does the food ever break and you have to jump to rescue or do babies naturally start chewing when something goes in their mouth? I feel like my baby won’t know what to do if bread or a piece of broccoli or salmon broke in her mouth

Which baby lead weaning course did you do?

@Shruti a local one ran by calm and connected parents.

@Rabia they generally just spit it out or swallow it. This is my second time doing BLW. With my first I was always on edge but my second I'm so much more relaxed. Something I always remembered was 'loud and red let them go ahead, silent and blue, they need you' People confuse gagging with choking. Choking from BLW is not that common! As long as food is served appropriately. Solid starts app is amazing for help with this xxxxx

@Rabia we did broccoli the other day ight and it was a massive hit! Steam it and it ends up so soft it just breaks up in their mouth

Their windpipe is the size of a straw so technically they can’t actually choke on larger food you are giving them. I was the same at first I was petrified but mine now bites bits off and chews even with no teeth x

My wee one is 7 months and we do a bit of both, started just on purees but she had her own spoon and we would get her play with it and also put some of the puree on her tray so she could touch it etc then we moved onto finger foods along with puree so things like toast fingers, tenderstem brocoli, avocado, bananas etc and she seems to do really well on her own! If bits do break she will gag or spit it out but I'd say do what you feel comfortable with

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