When do you stop feeling like a bad mum?

I have never had a day where I don’t feel like an awful parent, I do the best I can each day but I still feel like I should be doing more or I’m not good enough for my beautiful little boy 🥲 he’s only 7 months and I love him more than anything I’ve ever loved before.
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I feel like it's always gonna be there even on those good days 🥺😔 especially with social media showing us these 'perfect families' which doesn't help.

@Elizabeth Yeah for sure! It’s so tricky isn’t it? Exactly, I do my best to ignore it but it gets in your head 😅😭

Urgh I know! If my kids survive another day then that's a win in my books some day!

A good mum always doubts whether she’s doing a good enough job!

@Elizabeth so real 😅

@Sarah I’ll doubt myself everyday but I’ll keep going everyday too x

When you stop giving a fuck what everyone else is doing and focus on your kid, their needs, and your capacity. You are doing your best for your baby with the knowledge, funds, and energy you have. That is enough. And your "best" today may look different than your "best" tomorrow or what your "best" looked like yesterday. That's ok. You are enough. You are the best mama for your LO that there is out there.

@Charlotte Valid and I love you for that

It took me about 4 years of parenting and a 6 month deployment (read: 6 months of solo parenting) to stop giving a fuck what people's social media highlight reel looks like

Well yesterday I posted on my IG me having drinks w a mum friend on the beach kid free 💁🏻‍♀️😂 being a good mum also means taking care of me and my MH and IDC who doesn’t approve of me taking a couple hrs off to be myself. I come back a better mum because my mind and mood is refreshed. As long as you know you’re doing the best you can with what you have, that’s all that matters. There’s LOTS of kids much worse off, believe me. We are only one person- we can only do so much. Just know you’re doing your best and carry on 🙃

I don’t feel like a bad parent, I put EVERYTHING into my boy. But I do feel like a bad wife, daughter, sister, friend, worker etc because all my energy goes into my boy and I don’t have any energy to put into my other relationships

Unless there is something negative that actually happens, then I don’t feel bad. You are this child’s whole world and there’s no one more important to him. Show him kindness and love, and everything will be ok.

Is it possible that you’re suffering with PPD? Is this the only negative feeling you have or are you struggling with your mood in general? It’s completely normal to feel abit crappy every now and agen I cried yesterday morning because my baby was fussing and I couldn’t comfort him honestly felt like the worst mom out there but my partner was there to reassure me and help me understand he’s new here and just getting used to being out in the world

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