@Chloe hey Chloe thank you for your reply! I used first response and for my first positive and then used clear blue and did my second positive and the line was pretty decent not that faint like Visible but wasn’t ultra dark! Then I waited to re test the second day and it just faded into negative. 😔 I then proceeded to with the ovulation sticks which both gave me a smiley face with also a negative I did have a chemical pregnancy last month so I hope it not that affecting with anything
@Ayrena so sorry for your loss, I had one also and it’s horrible! Is it possible that you have HCG left over from the previous pregnancy that messed up this cycle?
@Chloe it really is! I’m so sorry you had to endure it too. I am praying for you. I wish you a healthy baby! My specialist made me do a blood test to make sure my hcg levels have gone back down and they did. I’m just going to wait it out my body is really all over the place at the moment 😭 but thank you for your help!
You can sometimes have an lh surge just before your period so this could be picking that up. But also lh is high in pregnancy. Was it a faint positive test? Did you use the same brand when testing again? It could have been a chemical pregnancy or possibly an evap… lots of possibilities, frustrating!! If it was a true positive and it has since gone negative, you may want to have a look at how your tracking your cycle so it’s more accurate next time so you can understand what’s going on