My baby had a raging nappy rash with Huggies and water wipes were really drying what’s worked wonders for me is aveeno baby wipes they contain aloe and oat extract and haven’t made baby’s bum red raw I use sudo cream if it’s a little red or benpathen if her skin breaks but haven’t had to use it at all since switching to aveeno
We switched to Honest brand really early on with my son and they’ve been great! They also fit his tall and leaner body type really well.
You could try liniment (try Mustela brand) instead of wipes/in addition to wipes. Worked really well for my son with eczema and sensitive skin, we did that almost exclusively for the first year unless he had a huge blowout :)
I have used millie moon diapers for both my boys and adore them. If not out of your budget, Alppi Baby diapers are amazing (they have a free sample pack for you to try before your invest in them)
I would try a few of you think your next baby might be sensitive. Dyper was good for us, but we didnt have sensitivities. For my first we mostly cloth diapered and use disposable mainly if we went on vacation or had baby sitters.
There’s also pampers pure. I’d suggest water wipes for sensitive skin