All natural is the only way for me (I had an epidural with my twins, they made me) I have birthed 3 without an epidural and I would do it again. Remember our bodies are made for this.
My second labor was so much faster. I didn't get the epidural like I asked for because the baby was born before I could get any drugs. Which was my original plan to not take any epidural because I was scared of side effects. So happy I had my second birth all natural
I just made sure to walk a lot before and deep squat during each contraction
Walk as much as possible in labor
@Rachel that’s amazing hopefully I can do it too!
@Ariana Saul yes I was walking before the epidural and it helped a lot once I got into the medicine kinda went down hill . Thank you I’m going to for sure look into the breathing exercises
So sorry that happened to you! I followed Balanced Families for all tips and tricks. They truly are amazing!
I had my second in August. It was a much quicker labour and I only had paracetamol, codeine and gasnair. I bounced on the ball, my husband rubbed my back and I used hypnobirthing breathing to help me focus. At no point did I feel like I needed an epidural, I had a 2nd degree tear and the consultant was surprised at the pain relief I'd had. If you don't want an epidural or feel you need it, don't accept it
Ik it sounds silly but u have to focus on breathing and remembering the pain is temporary. For me I just kept focusing on the day after thinking the pain will be gone by tomorrow and I'll be holding my baby. I also encourage u to move around and also ask for a peanut ball and yoga ball. It helps move labor along but also can help with the pain. Having bad thoughts during any type of pain can make it worse. Also don't push or bear down while in labor relax as much as possible. Tensing up while contracting can intensify the pain and pushing when not fully dilated can make ur labor longer or cause complications.
I honestly did a lot of walking during my pregnancy and it even helped with my labor. I was even dilated 3 cm around 36 weeks and was like that till week 37 when my water broke naturally while getting ready for work. My husband and MIL took me to the hospital to get checked when the nurse asked me if I could stand up to sit on the bed to get checked. She immediately told me that I needed to be taken to the delivery room. I was in there "contracting" which felt more like period cramps to me. Once I was fully dilated in 5 hours. She was born in 22 minutes with no epidural and no medication. I only got Tylenol twice for some mild pain. I was literally going to go to work and my daughter would have had her at work if it wasn't for my husband telling me to call in and let them know. My daughter is my first child as well.
Advocate for yourself! If they suggest anything unnatural ask questions, “is this necessary? Why is it necessary? Are there other options? What are the risks?, etc.! For natural birth it’s a lot in your mind because the pain is going to come. Deep breathing, music, and encouraging words from others helped me. Until I got stuck at 9.5 centimeters for 10 hours and I NEEDED pitocin, which I accepted.