Birthday present ideas!

What's everyone thinking of getting their soon to be two year olds for their birthday? With Christmas just been and gone I'm so stuck on what to get my son for his birthday 😣
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I always get the same things every year on a theme For Christmas it was animals - we get her - Farm (ikea dolls house) and Animals Farm pop up book Blow up happy hopper cow Funny animal socks Birthday - she likes dinosaurs Dinosaur magnitiles Dinosaur playdough Dinosaur book And a jumper with dinosaur on For her first birthday we got her a pickler climbing set ( she LOVES this ) For my eldest we’ve done themes on Lego Marvel Zoo Football But I always aim for 1-2 toys a book and an item of clothing plus balloons to match (if possible) - when theyre little the balloons are just as impressive 😂

Scooter and a train set. We actually also got her a Yoto player but she was so overwhelmed by Christmas and all the presents that I think we went a bit too extravagant- so I think I’m going to hold the Yoto back until Christmas 2025! Hard agree that the helium balloons will probably be the winner whatever you get him 😂

Also helium balloon and then maybe walkie talkie or karaoke microphone as he is now finding his voice more

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