Scooter and a train set. We actually also got her a Yoto player but she was so overwhelmed by Christmas and all the presents that I think we went a bit too extravagant- so I think I’m going to hold the Yoto back until Christmas 2025! Hard agree that the helium balloons will probably be the winner whatever you get him 😂
Also helium balloon and then maybe walkie talkie or karaoke microphone as he is now finding his voice more
I always get the same things every year on a theme For Christmas it was animals - we get her - Farm (ikea dolls house) and Animals Farm pop up book Blow up happy hopper cow Funny animal socks Birthday - she likes dinosaurs Dinosaur magnitiles Dinosaur playdough Dinosaur book And a jumper with dinosaur on For her first birthday we got her a pickler climbing set ( she LOVES this ) For my eldest we’ve done themes on Lego Marvel Zoo Football But I always aim for 1-2 toys a book and an item of clothing plus balloons to match (if possible) - when theyre little the balloons are just as impressive 😂