I’m doing a small breakfast party. Pancakes and fruit.
@YellowThoughts 🤣🥲I can relate Reason why I m not having any
I was going to but my husband got into an accident and will be laid up for the next three months.. so it will be me and maybe small family since all my time is going to care for baby and him 🥺🥺
@Ebunoluwa mmhm a smash cake and some balloons 🎈 and I’ll promise him for his 5th bday when he can remeber stuff and have friends …I’ll throw a party so big it will look like a night club
@YellowThoughts looks like you nd I share same mind lol. Although for 4th birthday throwing that big party can’t wait
@Ebunoluwa girlie message me if u wanna talk party ideas lol I got 4 years left to plan
I was planning on doing a huge birthday party. I’m talking about renting out a place for 3 to 4 hours. Big massive cake projectors all of it., but then I realized I literally have no friends. I only have my family here my mom, my dad, and my two siblings with their significant others, and my boyfriend side of the family doesn’t even bother putting any effort into our son or even into my boyfriend.