I'm not sure about the money side, but I was signed off by my doctor for a couple of weeks, which really helped, for the same reasons
Star mat pay is dog 💩, about to do it for a third time and dreading it, and already saving like crazy for it. So whatever you do make sure you’re still employed when baby comes x
MA is about £740 a month
@Jade I have payslips from my previous jobs I haven’t been unemployed only a short amount of time. It’s all so jarring I’ll ask my work but it says I can apply from August in the gov website for it and I did the if I’m eligible thing too
@Geo okay thank you, x
@Bethan thank you! Yh I’m gonna stay working in that case and wait until I go on maternity leave and get the SMP as that’s a lot more
I had to go on MA for a few reasons (even though I was employed). I received about £800 a month , but bear in mind you won’t receive MA whilst off work. You’d have to claim UC and try to get some support financially between now & when your MA entitlement starts - applying for MA is a very long process too, you’ll need months and months of pay slips to prove you’re eligible x