@Justina thank you so much for your reply! Xx
I think as parents we stress too much. Pls don’t because a lot of people show off on tik tok. Take your time
I feel really behind too as we moved country so with all the packing etc I just didn't have time. He's only had 5 foods so far and I hate all the mess / clean up as it takes so much time. I'm just aiming for at least one puree a day (I froze a load) for now
There’s nothing wrong with spoon feeding. We started with traditional weaning and at 7.5 months we’re now trying more BLW but she’s not that interested. BLW didn’t exist when we were babies x
There’s nothing wrong with purées but I do a combination of both. You shouldn’t feel any pressure to do BLW but if it’s something you want to try maybe you could look into what support your local council provides. I live in Havering and I did a free weaning seminar through them and they said that some mums who are nervous about BLW go to their feeding cafe (which are basically meant to be for breastfeeding support) and try BLW there with their babies as there are health visitors and early year practitioners there x
Thank you everyone for your replies!! It’s really appreciated! We did a BLW meal this evening & it went okay! X
You really done have to do BLWif you’re not comfortable. My son is 7 months too and is on purée most of the times . Black people have different delicacies and he’ll have some of our local foods but he’s very picky . Don’t stress too much as food before one is for fun most of the times and to get used to textures . Comparison is a thief of joy . Goodluck ❤️