Does anyone else feel like their emotions are all over the place in the third trimester?

I have been feeling a lot of anxiety and some depression recently the past month. Sometimes something or someone triggers me and I immediately start crying and I just get in a depressive state. This does not normally occur for me but during my third trimester it has been happening a lot. Any tips on handling anxiety, intrusive thoughts, depression during pregnancy?
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I also would like to hear what others do for this. What do others also do to help with the anger too if that happens as well? Sometimes if it’s not the anxiety or depression I end up getting really irritated or pissed off by the littlest things.

Oh yes, it’s horrible! I’m usually so even tempered but one wrong move when I’m hungry or uncomfortable/in pain and it’s all over. I’ve been doing a lot of breathing exercises and distracting myself by binge watching stupid reality shows. Also just reminding myself that this too shall pass, I’m not myself right now, going through a lot physically and I have to give myself as much grace as I usually do for others. It’s hard to remember that though 😅

I feel like I’m too tired to feel anything 😭 I just feel nothing but exhaustion and have no idea how I’m going to get through 5 more weeks of this.

@Carly I feel this. I get annoyed or emotional but I’m so tired cause I can’t sleep that I just exist hahhaha. They made me schedule a c-section cause she won’t turn from breech so I was pretty emotional about that but other than that sleeping only an hour or so is kicking my butt.

I have a history of anxiety. Been on meds and done therapy and all that for it but have been able to manage on my own for the past couple years. Hit 28 weeks and instantly noticed a shift in my anxiety levels. At 32 weeks I called my midwife and asked for a prescription and got in with a perinatal psych for follow up and postnatal care. The meds they gave me I can take as needed and they help with sleep which has made a huge difference for me! I was only getting like 2-3 hours a night for a couple weeks and that was majorly affecting my mood.

Oh for sure. I started to feel that way in the middle of my second trimester and reached out to women’s health where I live & speak to a psychiatrist that has helped me so much & have to take medication on top of that currently to help me, which is all by choice so just know if you get help you can ask or deny medication. I use to keep things to myself (anger/depression/anxiety you name it) especially with a history of never having good experiences with therapy but sincerely love who I have now and speaking to someone who guides me to better understand my feelings and coach me throughout all the things I’m just going through. I do recommend talking to someone as it doesn’t get any better on your own especially if you feel as though the ones around you cause stress or trigger you.

100% think the lack of sleep add to the stress and anxiety so many women feel during pregnancy. our brains need even more sleep than normal to help grow a healthy baby and here we are staring at the ceiling in the middle of the night because we are so uncomfortable or have a hard time clearing our minds of those anxious thoughts about child birth.

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