How to deal with stressful job through pregnancy?

I need some advice. I’m on pregnancy #2 and am having some PTSD about my first pregnancy that didn’t go well. To make a long story short, my job (my business that I own) is really stressful sometimes and people can just be really awful. How do you deal with the stress, stay calm and do your best to enjoy your pregnancy? I’m off my anxiety medication just to be safe until I’m through my first trimester (end of January). In need of some positive vibes. 💕
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Firstly congratulations 🥰 on you second pregnancy, I want you to give yourself permission to treat yourself with grace and respect in this pregnancy. Keep reminding yourself of what amazing journey and experiences you’ve currently on and take time to document the best bits and focus on holding your beautiful baby and that everything is going to be so much more amazing this time around. Write a birth plan and ensure everyone who loves you knows your wishes so they can step up for you in your time of need. Communicate with your partner and midwife your concerns and see if you can have some talking therapy during this period. Lastly you can do this and take short breaks and share the work load evenly with your team. Remember this is one of the most amazing experiences of your life so be sure to pamper yourself like crazy. Don’t forget about yourself and put aside the fears and start creating the story and outcome that you want to live daily. All the very best Sapphire

I m religous so i constantly listen to hare krishna kare rama chanting it lift my mood and give me strength for whatever i do ❤️🌟

Congratulation 🎊 You have to choose to stay calm and enjoy your pregnancy You have to decide not to let your past deny you of the joy of today. If you are religious, hold on to God, pray at all time, listen to uplifting music, and dance (baby like this, and it help their growth and well-being as well). All the best

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