@Esther ?
@Lauren oh dear I am looking for same thing, a hall that allows bouncy castle all the ones I’ve seen do not allow
Not sure how far this is from you. But we had my little girls birthday party at Grazeley village hall and we had a bouncy castle.
pearson hall in sonning , or the scout hut in twyford x
Attended a birthday party at Burghfield Village Hall which had a bouncy castle.
Try loddon hall - twyford, I’m sure they allow it With School Green/ Spencerswood pavilion they pick and choose who they allow stuff with, so double check - I would go in person for this as they more friendlier.
Twyford Scout Hut - tried and tested! xxx
St Michael church hall tilehurst
School green Centre in Shinfield allow bouncy castles
Thank you everyone for your help! X
Cotswold sports centre tilehurst, has their own bouncy castle they rent in a hall with some soft play bits. X
Purely on Thames memorial hall
Co ask