Hey, I'm a stay at home mum and I honestly think it all depends on how much your partner earns and how much you are paying out for mortgage, bills etc. (Also whereabouts you live, as. I know the cost of living can be much more down south) We have used savings the last couple of months due to our daughter's birthday, Christmas and my birthday, but generally we are able to live without doing that. We're not particularly careful as we enjoy eating out a lot, having a takeaways and visiting our friends at the other side of Yorkshire which can be expensive in petrol. I also pay for baby classes, clothes etc, we just aren't able to save right now, but were aware of that when we decided I wouldn't return to work. As I said though I honestly think it depends on how financially stable you think you'll be with just your partner's wage xx
Apologies there's a lot of typos in there 🤣
If you have gone from working full time to part time, that's a big change. You probably need to sit down with your partner and go through finances together ❤️ I can help you with that if you want. I've helped lots of people with budgeting. Saving is very very important if you have the means to do so. Relying on savings to pay bills isn't a long term solution but it can definitely help in the short term while you workout a better plan. I'm going back to work soon but thankfully we will still be able to afford the bills on slightly reduced hours at work!