What do you think it could be? Did you check with doctors? Hope she feels better soon x
Thank you and your little girl . I think she's got sickness bug she went to play group and then got sick xxx
Maybe if phlegm is causing them to gag it could make them sick eventually. But it could also be a tummy bug
Could be the sickness bug. My little girl was sick about 8 times in one day, then fine the next day but I gave her milk and she was sick in the night. If the food is too heavy it could make them sick again. Just stick to dry plain food x
Thank you. I did stick to simple food for two days and she is not sick again. Tomorrow is nursery day and I am again worried. I hope her bug cleared out and no more sickness for her ☹️
My little girl was sick a few times on Wednesday and then nothing all day Thursday and sick Thursday night. Nothing Friday then sick at night again x