Ready for this baby to come out

I am officially ready for my daughter to be here she is so big already 5 pounds and I’m 34 weeks so I know I’m gonna have a 9/10 pound baby I’m so stressed she is moving around like there is nomore room in my belly for this. My Braxton hicks are also getting worse
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I'm 33 weeks and my little girl is 5 lbs 4 ounces 😅

yes!!currently 34 weeks babygirl is 5lbs and 14 oz. tryna do last minute preparations. the kicks are crazy she must be really running out of space and the braxton hicks are hell!!!

Do you guys think you are gonna make it to 38/39 weeks I don’t think I will

@Dajia I'm guessing 37 weeks

Yess!! at 35 weeks my boy was 6lb 14oz 😭 thankfully I’m getting induced 37 because ain’t no wayyyy. My daughter was also born 37 weeks and she was 8lb 7oz

Do yall have to ask your doctor to estimate how big they are or do they ultrasound at some point and check? My daughter they never told me how big they thought she’d be and she was 8.6, and this one I’m sure is bigger

@Bella (Baya) Im 36+4 and my baby as of Friday is at 8 lbs 9 oz. She’s been monitoring the last two months or so because she’s been measuring large. I think it depends on the OB but I also think it’s good they monitor because of the risks that could be involved with delivering large babies. Mine is anticipated to be 9 lbs 5 oz if I get to my due date but my doctor isn’t pushing c section or early delivery. She just let me know the risk of shoulder dystocia that could occur during a vaginal delivery. I was 9 lbs 5 oz and my mom delivered me without issue. I’m also low risk so I’m personally going to try to ride out these next few weeks but am also hoping baby girl comes a little early & we see if I can deliver vaginally first. I would follow up with your OB and ask them.

@Alyssa I had a 9 pound baby and another girl I knew had a 9 pound baby and she pushed him out as for me I had to get a c/section my sons heart rate was going down and when he came out he had some big broad shoulders. Be prepared make sure you are stretching and drink tea and walk prepare yourself because you never know how it will go with big born babies

@Dajia thank you!

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