@Andrea it’s so frustrating because she’ll tell me before she pees or poops and I go to put her on the potty right after and she screams bloody murder or she’ll look at me laugh and say hahaha all done. It’s bad.
You’re not alone girl. My toddler just turned 3 yesterday and I’ve been trying to potty train him off and on since he was 2.5 years old. No success since, but just know eventually they will get it even though it’s frustrating in the moment just keep going and be consistent!
@Ari okay so when I lived with my mom when my daughter was like 9/10 months I introduced the potty and she would sit on it and go and than I got a call to move into my own place and forgot her potty at my moms while moving and she stopped. Than she started going again at a year and a half and stopped and the same at 2 in a half and than stopped. So I know she’s capable of it. I know she knows when she has to go she wants no pull-ups but won’t go on the potty. It’s tiring and frustrating. I also have an 11 month old so it’s really tiring.
@samI’ve tried twice for like a week straight both times. He’ll do well for the first couple of days and then completely regress and not care at all. He does best with no pants on so I’m waiting for the warmer months to try again and spending all day outside naked with a potty nearby. Some kids are just ready before others. I keep being told the worst thing to do is force it so I’m trying not to stress over it yet.
@Andrea yes exactly what she’ll do and I heard that too! Where I live I can’t do that with her sadly.
My son turned 3 last week and we started the potty training journey right after his 2nd birthday because he was showing signs he was ready. We still struggle nearly a year later. Hang it there. It can be so frustrating at times.
@Laura all I have to say is I hope my little man is better when he is at potty training age. (11 months) I can’t do this struggle with 2 kiddos
@sam maybe get her excited with a treasure box of prizes or favorite snacks/drinks? Or Maybe have her help you clean up any potty accidents? Girlll I got a newborn coming soon, so I know how frustrated you must be. Hang in there momma! There is hope 🫶🏼
@Ari Aweh congratulations! ❤️
@sam thank you!! ❤️ good luck, you got this! Just take it day by day
@Ari same to you girl!
Take her potty with you all the time and just have her sit and take your time she'll get it eventually
We just took her diaper off, and getting wet made her feel uncomfortable so she got it pretty fast. But it also helped that her older already potty trained cousins were in the house at the time.
Solidarity. We've been trying for months. Just tonight we set up a new potty seat with his favorite animal on it and found an episode of one of his favorite shows about the potty and he FINALLY got excited to sit on it instead of screaming bloody murder and saying it was dirty (??). Except now he cries when we make him get off lol. We have spent so much money on things to try to get him to sit on the toilet 😭 maybe try an episode about the potty from a show she loves?
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@Jen what show is it by chance? I’ve tried some (don’t remember which ones) and it hasn’t worked.
We are in the same boat! Mine turns 3 on the 22nd and literally TELLS me how she wants her pull up over panties. We were just using them at night time but it gets exhausting cleaning the couch and chairs 😅🤪
@sam he loves Ms Katie on YouTube!
@Brittany completely agree and the training underwear are bull. @Jen I’ll have to look into her. Never heard of her before
My daughter’s birthday is tomorrow also, turning 3! She was this exact way. I hid the diapers told her no more they didn’t fit. Told her, her potty is in the bathroom even set in the living room or wherever she is more and she took right to it. We are now 2 almost 3 weeks into it and she does fine if we are home public is still in works. I will say she has to have nothing on, ex panties, shorts, pants she will not pull them down I think she still thinks it’s some sort of diaper so being naked did help her.
My son is gonna be 3 Jan 26th, and we started to train him here and there but not consistent, this week I’ve been taking off his diaper at home and checking in on him every 20 mins or so, giving him lots of water, having sit in the potty with toys to play with or books . Wish us luck! I want him to start telling me when has to pee or poo and going in the toilet regularly without accidents by the end of this month 🙏🏽
I couldn’t take changing anymore nappies. My mum told me what she done with all the children she used to look after when she was a childminder. Always said it’s just about consistency. I know not everyone has this option but I took a week off work and left my daughter without her happy on. Every 20 mins or so I would make her sit on her potty and just encourage her to do anything. And than no proud but sweetie it whatever she wanted was her reward. Literally after a day she got the message x
I'm waiting for the warmer months so I can start training my 2 Yr old girl
I skipped the potty and just started toilet training. I would leave the door open so she would see me using the toilet, kids love to copy everything so I just lead by example. I got the toddler sit fitted on my toilet and a step. Maybe try that.
@Ruth I’ve tried
@Jerilyn happy birthday to your little girl!!!!
@Nat I didn’t like them for the simply fact that she stayed sitting in them when she was soaked and pooped she didn’t care. Here’s to starting out journey with retrying.
@sam thank you!
Gosh I am in the same boat. I have started and stopped so many times. The interruptions like daycare stop, new nanny, new kid, travel etc. I am so exhausted of diapers but I am going cold turkey on him as soon as we are back home as he needs to be in the next class and he needs to be potty trained.
I don’t have any insight, just wanted to let you know you are not alone. My almost 3 year old son is exactly the same way. Hang in there.