January 2022 Babies 🇺🇸

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M in Baby sleep

3yo terrible sleeper

Hi! I thought I'd be past this stage by now but my 3yo sleeps about 8hrs at night between midnight and 8am and takes a big 2hrs nap in the daycare. I leave for work early, so I'm up by 6am. I feel like a zombie. I cannot go on from 6am till midnight without a nap which I cannot do. So exhausted. She's always been a ...

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K in C-section


Hello. I am scheduled to get a d&c tomorrow. Has anytime ever had this procedure done? If so, how painful is it?

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F in Baby & toddler food

3 year old - Poor weight gain

Hi! So my 3-year-old has been struggling to gain weight since forever. He stays in the same weight for very long periods of time. At 2-year-old he was 22lbs. He turned 3 in January, and he only gained 1 pound (IN A YEAR😱) and his height has been the same struggle. I thought he was eating well, but in that last doct...

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S in Baby sleep

3 year old

Anyone else’s kiddo wake up on their third birthday a different person?? I remember the 3rd year being the hardest for my oldest but man it’s still tough going through it again. She’s changed over night and I’m lost on how to help this. I’ve tried so much over the past few weeks to help her learn what she does is...

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T in Other

3 Yr Old in her own room

How do you teach your child how to sleep in their own room? My daughter currently sleeps in her own bed but it’s in my room so we have two beds in my room, but I’m trying to get her to start sleeping in her own room I’m just not sure how to start without her crying so much or me feeling Bad. Any advice, please

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