Same points as Katie. We're following Ella's kitchen and also have the Joe Wicks book. Couple of teaspoons a day at first is all they need.
I’ve done a mix of BLW and purees with both of my children and personally haven’t done just veg followed by fruit, I just give a variety of different things Some of the things I started with in the first few weeks/ month/ - Cooked veg: broccoli, carrot, cauliflower, courgette, etc - Fruit: banana, apples, raspberries, (mushed into Greek yoghurt), oranges - Cous cous - Sweet potato - Salmon - Rice - Chicken - Eggs - Peanut butter (mixed into Greek yoghurt or on some sourdough) I wouldn’t even give my 2 year old juice. Although it’s technically fine to give it to them, it’s not recommended due to the sugar content They don’t need anything except water / milk Xx
Water: just tap water. Food, her first food was a floret of broccoli Juice: I was told to only give water, there is no need for any juices, they will get used to it and they will be bad for their teeth once they have them.
Also have a high needs kid, so I feel you! After 6 months Tap water is fine. Our first tastes were single veg broccoli, cauliflower, green beans. We gave puréed and soft almost mushy whole veg. Then we moved to a mixed veg with some herbs and spices. Elsa kitchen do a free 3 week weaning guide if you want something to follow. Was told to avoid all juices because of the sugar. Just to give water in a cup of your choosing. And wait a few weeks to introduce fruit. They love the sweet stuff so helpful to get some more savoury flavours on the palate first. We also don’t give fruit before bed if one of your meals is dinner. I read the sugar high can disturb sleep and my LG still isn’t sleeping well so I didn’t want to chance it.