If you buy the individual veggie purée packets from the supermarkets and use as a sauce for a pasta? The pea is our favourite. You can add some spices or herbs to give it more flavour 👍 My little girl loves pitta and hummus. She also likes a good finger of cheddar cheese 😂 I get the melty puff crisps that can always go with some toast and cream cheese or smashed avacado My little girl has started nursery and they feed her everything. Veggie sausages are good as you get the veggies and they are quite mushy and soft so not as worried about choking. Greek yoghurt is a perfect dessert, with some fruit purées, peanut butter, jam etc. and normal fruit as well: blueberries, strawberries, pineapple, kiwi, banana, peaches, pear, raspberries, blackberries (all the soft fruits) Hope this is helpful 😊
Dinner is what we have but I give him a side of extra veggies normally just steamed broccoli or cauliflower etc I've started buying frozen veg so I can just microwave some extra for him. Yesterday he had banana muffin, Greek yogurt and orange for breakfast. Crusty bread with peanut butter, cucumber, and spring onion for lunch was still hungry so I also gave half a banana. Spaghetti bol with extra broccoli on the side and then a few grapes for dinner. I also make stuff to go in the freezer for when I'm too lazy to make us proper dinner things like veg tots , mini fish cakes anything I can add leftover veg too and easy to use these for lunch too. But offering extra water though the day has really helped with his constipation
I’m no dietician but today was Readybrek and almond butter Crumpet thin, corn puffs, potato tot, melon fingers Potato cake and scrambled egg, natural yogurt Drinks a fair bit of water with lunch and dinner 4 bottles a day