Trying to Find a Village

Hello everyone! During your spiritual journey, was it hard finding a village/ group of like-minded women when it came to your spiritual views? I feel like I don’t belong to any church nor any other primary religion. I was Catholic/ Christian and just started deconstructing last year literally everything I was taught as a child 😅 (this is still ongoing and hard at times).
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I live in a pretty rural area and it has been very hard to find a village. Most of my spiritual support comes from friends made online. Feel free to message me if you'd like!

I was raised JW. It is the kindest cult, but it is still a cult. I am living with my parents while raising my toddler and it is very challenging because I know he is being exposed and indoctrinated. I’d be happy to talk to others who are more unstructured spiritual and less about organized religion.

It's very normal, finding your spiritual self means leaving what we were conditioned to and that can be a lonely journey at first. I was alone on my journey but kept finding my people. I created a group so people don't have to go on the journey on their own cause we don't have to.

On my spiritual journey I explored for years, and finally found my tribe when I discovered Gnosis. My husband teaches it online as well as in our home. It has been what felt like home for me after exploring so much in various different avenues through the years, because I felt like this path addressed all the paths in one, if that makes sense. It made sense out of it all, as one.

Let’s connect! I’m going through the same thing!

I completely understand you cause same. I was catholic and started unlearning everything and noticed that it goes deeper than we ever taught and everything’s a lie. I don’t go to church my husband and I decided to seek a relationship with God instead. It’s honestly been the best decision 🥹

@Amber My ex was a JW and he was a horrible narcissist person 😅. I did meet a lot of his JW friends and they were super sweet ( I totally agree it’s a CULT).

@Aku Wellness 💚💚💚 I’m happy that you started a group 💜. I am very interested!!

@Ashley I glimpsed at Gnosticism and find it VERY interesting. I’m reading a book called The Madonna Secret that has a lot of material derived from Gnostic texts

@Kimberly My husband and I are on the same path! His parents were pastors and he has always “rebelled”. We honestly never felt this close to Goddess/God before.

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