My son refuses to let me feed him . He would rather not eat then let me feed him
Kinda same, i have to kinda force him to eat. He will let me feed him but at the same time he likes to hide and run i just have to be patient and when he’s ready he’ll eat. But he loves to play and make a mess and figure out the spoon/ fork.
@Demi he’s not really picky, he just would rather play in it than put it in his mouth lol..he’ll eat it fine if I’m feeding him. I’ll look up the videos though, thanks!
Mine still likes for me to feed her. Our meals are a combination of her using her fingers to eat, me loading the fork and her using it, and me just feeding her. She hasn't mastered stabbing food or scooping, but she also has vision problems so I'm not rushing it. She tries, and she'll get it sooner or later!
Mine kind of goes both ways - she’ll eat half of what I put down and the rest ends up on the floor. It’s frustrating - sometimes VERY frustrating - but if you just let him do his own thing he will eventually get hungry enough to eat his food independently. If you’d like to ease into it it’s okay, but something that could work is just setting his meals in front of him and leaving him to it. Avoid giving too many snacks. It sucks in the beginning, but he will start to eat his food versus playing with it. I realized the problem with my daughter was that I was letting her snack too much to where she wasn’t hungry enough to want to eat her meals. There’s nothing to worry about. Babies grow at their own pace. But if you’re wanting to speed the process along you have to support their independence, even though it can get very messy and frustrating at first. My kid is eating with a spoon and she STILL plays with her food when she’s full. You’re doing good 🫶🏻
Thanks ladies! I think he is eating too many snacks, that boy is ALWAYS signing that he is hungry though lol. I’ll try to cut back on his snacks throughout the day and see how that goes!
Babies are funny this way. They experiment to see what they can get away with and test our boundaries consistently. When it comes to meal times, there could be a bunch of thing’s distracting them….tv, other kids. My daughter started using her silverware here and there with her fav foods. Sometimes she will eat everything and more of what I give her. Sometimes she will throw it around and say “all done” but literally will only eat a banana and yogurt for a meal…but the way I see it, she ate. Kids are just learning the way around and just take it day by day. Look it up on YouTube, there’s a bunch of videos from pediatricians giving advice on how to navigate picky eaters.