Toddler tongue tie
Hi! My toddler always had a tongue tie, but his pediatrician never thought that cutting it was necessary. Now he is 2 years old, and we can definitely notice that it’s affecting his pronunciation. Anyone knows if it’s too late to do the procedure?
I’d call your nearest pediatric dentist that specializes in frenectomies. In my experience and seems like in this one too, pediatricians have no earthly idea what they’re talking about when it comes to mouth ties but will never admit they don’t know crap. We had to go searching for the answer on our own to a ped dentist after our son’s pediatrician said he had no ties and he ended up having 4 severe ones needing released. My daughter also had 4 ties released and the tongue revised again not too long ago. All of our procedures were done at 4 months or younger. I know some pediatric dentists once they hit a certain age, if they have to use general anesthesia for a severe tongue tie (because they are now older as infants don’t need general for frenectomies), they try to wait until around 5 when they can handle the procedure better. Some dentists/ENTs though may still do general or local even at 2. It’s worth a shot to ask around!