Some people can't see theirs at all until further along we were just very fortunate to be able to have it so clear as soon as the scan started don't get me wrong we are still having it reconfirmed next weekend as we are going to have to buy alot of new clothes lol
@Laura just out of interest are you having a girl? Your scan looks quite similar to mine!
Not fully clear but I’d maybe say girl, send it off to them and they will just refund it if they can’t see xx
At this early stage, you can only go on the angle of the nub. Straight is a girl and angled is a boy. The hamburger shape doesn’t mean anything now unfortunately. It refers to a potty shot taken at a much later gestation.
@Dania the sonographer at my 13 weeks scan who has been doing this job for over a decade agreed mine is definitely a girl based on the nub theory of the hamburger as it was extremely visible so I guess it depends on how clear your scan is on the day to be able to tell
@Laura oh that’s handy Thankyou, I’ve just had my 12 week scan so wanna see if i can work it out 😅 xx