Would you be open to working out at home? I got really into strength training after my first and now I do it every day, at home, with both kids running about. I could never find time to gym or run, especially in winter. But it really works for me and I find it energising and great for my mental health as well. I’d be happy to recommend some free YouTube channels if you’re interested. I went from 110kg to 80kg after my first pregnancy, then got pregnant again at 13 months pp, and then went from 105kg to 70kg this time. No more babies for me 😂
At 6w pp I was still establishing my supply and trying to drink a ton of water and just getting my rest in. I didn’t start any regime until about 3-4m but I still tried to eat healthy (lots of soups), drink water, keep active. Around 3m I started taking him to baby groups and mothers groups- then after I’ll drop by the mall and don’t get home until 4 to start dinner …which means I was out all day and hence getting my steps in, I eat less when I’m out and about also. I started Pilates and Zumba at 4m as well, and got back to weight (I’m 38 and my 3rd baby) by the time he turned 1. So it’s very possible, keep active and maybe add in a home workout every couple days- working on your core also helps get our pelvic floor back nice and strong so if not for the mum tum, do it for the pelvic floor. I just put on a Reggaeton mix on YT and do squats or swing my hips to the beat, feels like dancing rather than “working out”. Rocking the baby to sleep- do it in a way where you’re “working out”.
http://youtube.com/post/UgkxGN5usHWtEqWXNOObi9O2w9dAk848u-s_?si=0yCDLvMzIO9414IW Uploading a homework out today ❤️ Thanks for the support mums!
I’m nearly 2 years pp and I’m so far from the size I was before pregnancy
If you like home workouts do them when kids are sleeping. If you run, invest in a running buggy and work around nap time but wait till ur youngest is at least 6months old. Initially work on addressing pelvic floor recovery and abdominal separation, you can easily check for this at home (mummy mot is worth doing at some stage). If you are breastfeeding I wouldn't advise cutting calories but would suggest eating a lot of the right foods and if u feel like u need a cjeat meal do it because you need to nourish yourself as well as produce milk. Ill be sharing tips regarding exercises and nutrition on my IG
@Sam I try everyday to accept that this is my new body but just find it so hard.
@Jen yeah I would be up for that. Yeah with having two little ones the cost and time of gym isn’t something I can justify right now. Yes please that’d be really appreciated. Just want to get in better shape and be happy to look in the mirror. And not hate what I see. No im the same one of each so my and my partner are happy with the two ahah🤣
Girl you have a 6 week old…. Be kinder to yourself! With my first I gained 34.2lbs - it 5 months to get back to pre baby weight. With my second I gained 26lbs, she is 15 weeks and I’ve lost 20lbs so far. With my first I worked my arse off like you wouldn’t believe. With my second I’m going steady. It’s a marathon, not a race xx
Gosh give yourself time. 6 weeks is so fresh. Give yourself months, not weeks. Exercise of any sort is great, and just be mindful of what you eat. O
@Lauren I don’t think it helps that I was never more than 8st before my babies. And now I’m nearly like 11st and I’ve never be this big, and now my partner wants to go to center parks and go swimming. And I can’t stand to look at myself in the mirror currently let alone other people seeing me xx
@Nicola I know I’m to hard on myself but I’m always like this I can’t shake it. Yeah trying to cut down on the sweet treats and eat more fruit and better dinner xx
@Jackie it’s really hard when you don’t like your body. But try not to miss out on life and creating memories with your family because you’re worried about your body. I’m sure that you don’t look anywhere near as bad or big or whatever you think of yourself - we’re our own harshest critics.
@Jackie well stop it ☺️ I’m the same, but after my first I was back to pre baby around 10 months ish, maybe 9 months. I’m pregnant again and absolutely letting myself go at this rate as it’s just painful, uncomfortable and I have NO energy to care 😅 but, I do aim to get some fitness back not just for myself but to be able to take care of 2 kids without struggling lol. It takes time tho, marathon, not a sprint
@Jen that it true only get to make these memories once with them. And true no one is gonna look at me and think I look bad. I do try to tell myself that
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@Nicola I can totally agree by the end of this pregnancy with little man I was huge and didn’t care at all. I hadn’t even thought about it with my first but I know this was my last and can try focus on myself now.
don’t worry. i’m 14 months pp and i still look 6 months pregnant. i put on 30 pounds after having my daughter so it’s fat on top of a baby belly and i just can’t lose it !! gym and workouts don’t do nothing at all. i’ve learnt to accept it 🥲