BLW food ideas? My LO is 8 months and not doing so great with eating I'd say he has 1 meal a day and that's whatever I eat I offer him as he just refuses and wants milk. No judgement just ideas pls!
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Hi I had this two and what I did was slowly reduce the milk so I did a wake up bottle then wait 1.5 to 2 hours offered breakfast then wait 2 hours reduce this bottle by 1 oz then 2 hours offered toast of fruit then 2 hours again reduced this bottle by 1 oz and so on hope that makes sense it took time for it to work x

I also hand fed first then gave something to self feed x

@Amy thank you so much I'll try this tomorrow so helpful! How long after did you start giving proper food and what did you give x

They eat very little at this age. I was told to pay more attention to what they eat over a week rather than a day (by the doctor)! Also food for them now is more to taste, milk is still where they should be getting their main source of food until they are 1. It sounds like you’re doing a great job.

You shouldn’t do what Amy says and reduce the milk. Food isn’t essential for them it’s just to add fun and flavour. Milk is still their main source of food. As long as they’re drinking the same amounts of milk I wouldn’t worry. A lot of people delay weaning till babies are around a year old. I really wouldn’t worry about it yet.

Although I understand completely what Charlie and page is saying it’s a working progress and for lots of reason children are starting to do something called oral mapping hence the phrase food is fun under one . I did this with advice from the health visitor actually now my little boy is doing very well with weaning . Every little one is different so what works for some one may not work for everyone and that’s ok x

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