@Cara thank you ❤️ I just get worried. Took us a bit to get pregnant and then we miscarried five weeks in.
It's completely understandable to worry but hopefully you'll get your peak soon
Why do you think you should be ovulating in 2 days? Not everyone ovulates 14 days before their next expected period for one thing (how most apps ‘calculate’ your fertile window) and although the number of days between one persons ovulation and period does tend to be fairly consistent the relationship is reversed, so you could easily ovulate earlier or later than usual and that will dictate when to expect your period. Personally I don’t usually ovulate till day 18 or 19 and then get my period only 9 days later, but under stress I’ve ovulated as late as day 26 (and still got my period 9 days after that). I also agree with others that your test strips can be pretty light and then ramp up to peak over the course of only a day or two. Personally I do ovulation tests every 2 days until they start to be around 50% dark, then every day and around 75% dark I test twice a day or even 3x per day to catch the peak. BBT will confirm you actually ovulated around 24 hours after the peak
Do you have a picture of your ovulation tests? Are you testing between 10am and 8pm daily? If you’re actually in your predicted fertile window, it’s recommended to test twice daily now. As for BBT… BBT only confirms ovulation, it won’t tell you when you’re close to ovulating. Are you taking it with a BBT thermometer? At around the same time each day, as soon as you wake up?! Before you move. Before you talk. After 3-4+ hours of solid sleep? 🫶🏻
They can be negative right up until the day you ovulate, mines only go high and then peak for maximum 24 hour and it's completely normal and doesn't mean you won't ovulate, also apps can only predict your fertile window it can change every cycle