I started at around 4 months. A teaspoon here and there of baby rice and slowly worked up to puree. He's almost 6 months, and has banana porridge for breakfast instead of his usual bottle but a couple of hours later, he'll have a smaller oz bottle. And then he'll have something for dinner, something small. Just been using pre made purees. He also had a few sips of water in his sippy cup to wash down the porridge. He's been very good with his food. I give him the spoon to play with after and he will put it in his mouth
We started a couple of weeks from her 6 months, puree and now lumpier texture plus some finger foods. Blender will be fine, I just use a stick one. Ella's kitchen online is helpful for ideas.
I make my own, started with purees and now on lumpy with finger foods. I use a cheap hand blender and as breastfed I add in breast milk but you can use water instead