Am I over reacting

So am I over reacting! My partners mum asked if she can borrow our family car for a few days to travel up north ( which I have been driving) & I would have her car. I got very defensive and he knows I don’t like driving that because I’m scared it’s going to breakdown on me when I have the kids. I’ve told him that multiple times and he said yes I know you don’t like driving it you only have to drive to work and back which is 8 mins each way. Am I over reacting and feeling like I never have anything that is just mine and that everyone can use it?
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No it’s your car. And if she needs something bigger or different she should hire one.

What if something happens when she borrows it and then you don’t have a reliable car for your family ? That’s a huge ask.. I’m mad for you lol

If it's a family car that you and your partner both own, then yes. Sorry OP.

I would say no, lmao. What a cheek 🤣

Nope family car belongs with the family (you, kids and partner) not his mother 😒 maybe instead of travelling north asap she should do what she needs to do to get her car reliable or buy a reliable car or your partner can give up his car for her to use 🤷‍♀️

As long as your partner understands that if anything goes wrong he needs to sort a new car for you and the kids asap. I would appreciate my partner doing the favour for my mum

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