Is it normal?

Please tell me if it's normal for a 20 month old to throw a tantrum about every thing multiple times a day. By tantrum i mean literally scream, cry, throw herself into the floor, or go like dead weight in my arms to try and throw herself to the floor. She is my first and only child. Am I doing something wrong? She likes to climb on the back of the couch which she can get hurt doing so I tell her to get down and I give her chances to get done and she refuses so I remove her off the back of the couch and sit her down on the couch she throws a tantrum. She follows me to the bathroom and when it's time to leave the bathroom 9 times out of 10 she throws a tantrum. And every tantrum is the same throwing herself in the floor, screaming, and crying. It's just with everything it seems. I have to cook dinner tantrum. I go to a different room for just like 2 minutes it's tantrum. She hit me with a stainless steel cup in the eyebrow and then she threw it down like she knew she did something bad then proceeded to pick up a plastic toy and start hitting me with that i tried to redirect her hitting thr couch cushion with the toy even sung it to her like hit the couch cushion not mama she liked the somg smiled but continued to hit me. I took the toy away and it was tantrum time. Is it normal to do this this much. This all started a week ago. So I'm on week two of this behavior. I'm kinda of concerned maybe I'm doing something wrong? Is there something I'm missing? Or is it always this terrible as they get closer to two years old. I'm at a loss and I never get time to myself, so I hear every tantrum 24/7. She has a play kitchen for pretend play, so many stacking toys, building blocks, stuffed animals, we play with play dough, listen to music. Watch blues clues (with steve), and we draw on paper. We haven't been able to go outside because it's so cold and I don't have the proper winter clothing for her yet. She is a very picky eater and seems to only love breastmilk still. Her sleep is all over the place. She only says a few words. Dada mama, and just started saying hi. She can shake her head yes and no and clap.
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Idk what’s normal and what’s not but I’m here to say that I’m finding my daughter entering a ‘testing’ phase as well. She’s 19 months so close in age of course… and it’s hard because when I try to correct and be ‘serious’ she laughs and often persists 😭 I still find that a simple no/don’t touch and redirection, work better than raising my voice/yelling..(not saying you’re yelling!) but for me it’s hard to remain SOOOOO patient (patient as I have been in the past)all day esp cause she’s testing me so often and I am 40 weeks pregnant lol 🤣 I notice that when her dad sternly tells her no, she listens. Just hearing him slightly raise his voice really gets her attention and she stops! She’s also with me 24/7 mostly because my husband works 17 hr shifts, so maybe that has to do with it? They feel like they can get away with more with us?

Shes got big feelings about a lot of things. And at this age they are testing things out and seem dramatic.

A lot of redirecting to different things and activities and such , is my suggestion

My son flips out if I look at him sometimes. I ignore as much as I can and pick my battles carefully. I would put a mat or something on the ground behind the couch so when she falls it will just be scary and not dangerous. They are learning so much. It's hard to steer it. Hang in there. You are definitely not alone

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