Absolutely. The alternative is that you do nothing and it potentially abscesses and causes a life-threatening infection, and you still end up with surgery. Imagine the pain is already pretty bad :(
@Michelle thanks for the info, i contacted my dentist and I do in fact need clearance from my OB. I’m just a little nervous about recovery
@Audrey I’m imagining the pain now and recovery will be super hard for me since I still have school and work. I’m just a little nervous. But thank you for the info
@Briyyah My recovery hasn't ever been too bad, certainly not as bad as the tooth pain. Hope it all goes well for you.
Yes, you should get it done! You dont want to leave it untreated & it gets worse. Dental procedures past the first trimester are fine. You can also use nitrous oxide if needed, FYI. I would just make sure your dentist knows you're pregnant, obviously, and ask if they need any info from your OB.. My OB had to sign off on the use of Nitros Oxide & had to 'OK' me getting prescribed antibiotics